Professional Muse

As a young art student Melissa Meredith Wells was told that she could never make a living doing what she loved. So she learned about manifesting, self-motivation, and how to overcome both internal and external obstacles using vision boards and creative visualization.

The result? Melissa Meredith Wells combined her artistic talents with personal development tools creating all kinds of applications and workshops that address self-actualization, creative manifestation and visualization.

She has taught and trained artists, executives, CEOs and even roller derby girls about focused energy, learning styles, vision boards, and creative visualization.

Melissa Wells published the very first vision board clip art book called The 2020 Vision Board Clip Art Book then a follow-up book called The Premium Vision Board Clip Art Book.

Mystic Mag

In an enlightening interview conducted by Sarah Kirton, Melissa Wells shares her distinctive method of utilizing digital vision boards as a tool for manifestation. With her background in personal learning styles and a unique knack to interpret vision boards, Melissa skillfully guides individuals on their journey towards manifesting their dreams and aspirations. Her innovative approach has successfully transformed the way people visualize and achieve their goals, marking a new era in the field of personal development.

EMAIL ME If you are interested in discussing consulting or workshops.

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